Things From Another World > Books/Reading > Science-Fiction

Astroneer Countdown GN

Vendor: Things From Another World


FOR FANS OF THE HUGELY SUCCESSFUL ASTRONEER VIDEOGAME, COMES AN ALL-NEW, ALL-AGES ADVENTURE FROM THE DEVELOPER SYSTEM ERA'S UNIVERSE! When bored Astroneer Seven plucks a mysterious crystal from the planet Boreas, he is catapulted across time and space! By taking the crystal, the very fabric of the planet starts to unravel, threatening to start a chain reaction that could destroy the entire universe! Now, Seven and his ragtag crew of Astroneers must get the crystal back to Boreas before it's too late! Dave Dwonch;Xenia Pamfil;Various Titan Comics 978178773990151000 NOV221089

(C)2025 Collectible Fun - All Rights Reserved.

Collectible Fun
Harrisonburg, VA