Quotations about Running

I improve on misquotation.

-Cary Grant>

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COMICS > Comics > Crime

Mr Beaver #5

Vendor: COMICS


Mr. Beaver successfully infiltrates the lair of the powerful criminal organization known as 'The Twelve' where he faces off with his nemesis, Richard, a former acquaintance from his days at the Alpha Academy. Determined to bring him to justice, Mr. Beaver will have to dig deeper than ever before with Richard having mastered an extraordinary power known as Theos Lampsi, one that Mr. Beaver himself tried to learn. As all hell breaks loose, Mr. Beaver may yet need help from an unlikely source as he realizes that his lone wolf days may well be numbered. 74584466074300500 730184 JAN201413 Pablo Verdugo Mu??oz;Pablo Verdugo Mu??oz

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