Things From Another World > Books/Reading > Science-Fiction

Blade Runner 2019 TPB Vol 02 Off World

Vendor: Things From Another World


From the rain-soaked dystopic world of Los Angeles 2019 to the never-before-seen promised land of the Off-World colonies, Replicant-hating Blade Runner Ash's search for the runaway wife and child of a rich industrialist takes her where no other Blade Runner has ever gone before! Written by the Oscar-nominated screenwriter of Blade Runner 2049, Michael Green, and co-writer Mike Johnson (Star Trek, Supergirl) with artwork by Andres Guinaldo (Captain America, Justice League Dark).Michael Green;Andres Guinaldo;Paul Pope;Mike Johnson;Marco Lesko Titan Comics 978178773192951000 FEB202004

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Harrisonburg, VA