Things From Another World > Books/Reading > Manga

Magic User Reborn Max Level Wizard Light Novel Vol 03

Vendor: Things From Another World


A fan of classic tabletop RPGs is transported to a world that operates like one, to live and fight as his maxed-out wizard PC! A man in his forties, who was once a tabletop RPG fanatic, has settled into the ordinary job (and life) of a salaryman. All of that changes when he's tossed into a parallel world by a mysterious entity and finds himself in the form of Gio Margils, his max-level wizard character from the classic tabletop RPG Dungeons & Brave! Roll the dice with this new isekai light novel series for gaming fans, both new and old.Mikawa Souhel;Ryota-H Seven Seas Entertainment Llc 978164505723951000 AUG201993

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