Things From Another World > Books/Reading > Superhero

Furrlough #195

Vendor: Things From Another World


SEMI-AQUATIC EGG-LAYING MAMMALS OF ACTION! COMICS' LONGEST-RUNNING ANTHROPOMORPHIC TITLE! 30+ (HUMAN) YEARS AND STILL GOING STRONG! 'Radioactive Samurai Platypi' (Kevin Given, Rafael Lanhllas), 'Blinth' (Jason Dube, Noel Serrato). 'Radioactive Samurai Platypi' (Kevin Given, Rafael Lanhllas): Four mere monotremes are exposed to alien radiation, becoming space warriors! 'Blinth' (Jason Dube, Noel Serrato): The origin story of Hades and her heartbreaking awakening into The Dark. How does an innocent find herself at the center of a tormenting love triangle with Lucifer and Blinth?Various;Holly Daughtrey Antarctic Press 61072106031519500 APR241265

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Collectible Fun
Harrisonburg, VA