Things From Another World > Toys/Games > Science-Fiction

Super Robot Wars Combine R-Gun Powered Sentinel Riobot Action Figure

Vendor: Things From Another World


From Sentinel. 'One-hit Kill! Busteeer Cannon!!' RW-1 'R-GUN Powered' from Super Robot Wars OG is finally here! The transformation gimmick from 'R-GUN Powered' to 'Metal Genocider mode' is arranged by this original toy concept design. The product comes with Twin Magna Rifle Beam. Katar Sword and Slash Boomerang can also be reproduced. When equipped by the 'SRX' (sold separately), you can initiate the combination attack namely 'Hyper Tronium Buster Cannon' with 'R-GUN Powered.' 4571335880545 APR222666

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Harrisonburg, VA