Quotations about Running

I improve on misquotation.

-Cary Grant>

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GRAPHIC NOVELS > Graphic Novels > Superhero

Eternals Poster Book TPB



The mighty Ikaris! The sorcerous Sersi! The swift Makkari! The glorious Thena! The mischievous Sprite! The forgotten Gilgamesh! They and their fellow Eternals look more incredible than ever before in this masterpiece-filled poster book, collecting the finest artwork featuring the gods who walk the Earth! Whether depicting the cosmic glory of Jack Kirby, the dynamic style of John Romita Jr. or the divine grace of Daniel Acu??a, these illustrations are guaranteed to blow your Uni-Mind! Also featuring allies and enemies, including the Celestials, the Deviants and the Black Knight, these are the Eternals posters you'll want hanging on your wall - forever! 1302923382 978130292338952000 751395 APR201083

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Harrisonburg, VA